Best Little Wingman di Janet Allen edito da Boyds Mills Press

Best Little Wingman

Postier Jim




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Descrizione Best Little Wingman

On a cold and snowy night, Janny climbs into the cab of her father's big snowplow. She has an important job to do. She is the wingman who pulls the lever that raises the plow's right wing, so that the plow doesn't knock over mailboxes along the road. With a tin filled with her mother's warm biscuits and a Thermos filled with hot chocolate, Janny and her father head into the countryside. Janny is a good wingman, carefully pulling the lever as the plow approaches each mailbox. She watches the snow flying by as the plow picks up seed. Along the way, Janny and her father help Dr. Turner, the veterinarian, reach a sick horse: They pull Mr. Watson's car out of a snowbank. It's hard work and a long night--a night among other snowy nights that Janny will never forget. Janet Allen's beautifully told story, with stunning illustrations by Jim Postier, captures the special bond between a father and daughter and the snowy night they share.

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