Best if Read by 6 Jun 06 di Y2Cuthbert edito da
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Best if Read by 6 Jun 06

A Peerless Book of Nonsense in these Much Needed Times


Fweepleshorts, Hollingsworth Fentobli




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Descrizione Best if Read by 6 Jun 06

Years ago, me and Scott were chatting about life the universe and everything, and wondered about luck. Is there such a thing as luck? Are you born lucky? Do you make your own luck? Is it all in the mind? Are you feeling lucky, punk? Pondering over the next few days, I suddenly realised that luck is all in the mind, which is great for the lucky, as they have been blessed with the paradox of realising that, and the wits to make their own. So I rushed over to Scotty's work on my bike and excitedly announced 'good news for the lucky - there is no such thing as luck!' And thus became 'Best if Read By 6/6/6', about 150 aphorisms, mostly mine and the rest by others- ancient, dead, modern, and living. Mostly statements ('no such thing as luck') for you to ponder, but also advice ('just do it') suggesting possibilities that you might even act upon. Then a sprinkling of puzzles ('which is greater: quite a few or quite a lot?'), and actions ('I paid, I peed, iPod') - generally my own flounderings.

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