Beneath the Keep: A Novel of the Tearling di Erika Johansen edito da DUTTON BOOKS
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Beneath the Keep: A Novel of the Tearling

A Novel of the Tearling







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Descrizione Beneath the Keep: A Novel of the Tearling

Now in paperback: As a kingdom descends into darkness and new alliances are forged under fire, a battle begins over a prophecy that will change the course of history in this much-anticipated stand-alone prequel to the bestselling Queen of the Tearling trilogy. The Tearling, founded as a utopia, has collapsed and reverted to feudalism. As the gap between rich and poor widens and famine threatens the land, rumors of a prophecy begin to spread: a great hope, a True Queen who will ascend and save the kingdom.With a righteous rebellion gathering inside her kingdom, Princess Elyssa finds herself torn between duty to the throne and her growing loyalty to the Blue Horizon, a group of fierce idealists who promise radical change. Elyssa must choose quickly, for threats beset her on all sides, and the powers wielded by an uncanny seer and her shadowy master are preparing to decide the Princess's fate for her. A world filled with dark magic, but also with hope, The Tearling is filled with adventure, intrigue, and the fight for a better world.Series Overview: In a futuristic world called The Tearling, humanity has reverted to the dark ages. The capital city, New London, is home to a palace and ruling monarchy, as well as a dark underworld which exists below the city.

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