Ben's Story di Anne Marie Margaritondo edito da Covenant Books
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Ben's Story

A Present-day Hanukkah Miracle





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Descrizione Ben's Story

Imagine yourself an eleven-year-old boy lost and alone at night in a land full of towering mountains, surging rivers and thick, uninhabited forests. Wild animals still claim the territory as their own and when their food source is scarce, you discover that to them any meat will do. To make matters worse, it's the middle of winter, snow is falling, and any familiar path has disappeared under snow. As the hours pass, you helplessly wander deeper into unknown territory, all in search for your missing puppy-the very reason you bolted out into the forest in the first place. Now you're in desperate need of help yourself. Such was the position Ben found himself in one cold Hanukkah night in December. Home now seemed more than a miracle away for Ben. Only the help of a God whose power and existence Ben has begun to question could possibly save him from an imminent and certain end.

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