Beloved di Laine Cunningham edito da Sun Dogs Creations
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An Atmospheric Thriller





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Descrizione Beloved

SHORTLISTED FOR THE WILLIAM FAULKNER AWARD Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn meets Night Film by Marisha Pessl in an atmospheric thriller. Perfect for fans of "Sharp Objects," "The Handmaid's Tale," and "Stranger Things." When FBI agent Priya Conlin-Kumar tracks two different serial killers hunting in the same city, she hones in on the seemingly inhuman predator who continues slaughtering at whim. The closer Priya gets, the more intense their battle becomes. Soon it touches all the law enforcement officers--female and male--assisting with the case. Inexplicable events make Priya and her lover, the county sheriff, wonder what's really capturing the victims in a dark and strange web. Showcasing a powerful female protagonist, Beloved blends the darkness of "Sharp Objects" with the ingenious depth of "Stranger Things." Beloved was supported by fellowships and art residency programs from the Vermont Studio Center and Wildacres Arts & Humanities Center. Laine Cunningham is a novelist and a three-time recipient of The Hackney Award. The Family Made of Dust, set in the Australian Outback, considers how indigenous lives thrive despite oppression. Reparation is a contemporary novel of the American Great Plains. She is the senior editor and publisher of Sunspot Literary Journal, a multinational publication seeking to change the world.

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