Being My Own Recipe for Disaster di Ken Willidau edito da iUniverse

Being My Own Recipe for Disaster

Just Add You for Stew







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Descrizione Being My Own Recipe for Disaster

Written for people who have too much on their plate to make their food for thought into what they're trying to grow into themselves, Being My Own Recipe For Disaster contains a feast of over 2,500 jokes and one-liners that are served up to satisfy the hungriest appetite with an all-you-can-eat buffet that will leave you full of himself, too.Willidau has cooked up his own special concoction of ingredients that will leave even the driest person salivating over what's inside, themselves. Ken's philosophy is that if you want to be jolly-looking you should fill yourself with laughter and not just your face. Willidau goes to great hunger pains in avoiding them, himself, and is trying to make something of himself that others would be willing to eat all up, too.Chapters serve up a heaping helping of jokes and one-liners that when all mixed together creates a book that really cooks, itself. Among them, "Bean Sprout", "Family Dinner", "Finger Foods", "Sage", "Blue Plate Special" and "Devilled Egg" make the day one of those mouth-watering days that will treat you to laughter at 0 calories each. The day is spent with a master chef of jokes using wit, dark humour, jokes that will make you whet your pantries, sayings, riddles and double entendre humour. Spending your day with Ken will let you see someone else making a glutton for punishment out of themselves, for once, to distract you from being one yourself.Being My Own Recipe For Disaster is a perfect read to give you the opportunity to spend some time watching someone else make a pig out of themselves to distract you from doing the same. Dig in.

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€ 21.91

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