Behind The Tears di Bruce Robinson edito da Green Hill Publishing
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Behind The Tears





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Descrizione Behind The Tears

In BEHIND THE TEARS Dr Bruce Robinson discusses the different types of suffering that people experience today, how to understand why God allows it and, importantly, how to survive it. He also provides advice for the family members, friends and for churches when someone in their midst is suffering - i.e. 'how to help not hurt'. Finally he talks about how anyone can grow from suffering into a warmer, brighter future. SOME OF THE KEY ISSUES DISCUSSED ARE: How common suffering is WHY God allows it How to grow from suffering Practical tips for those who suffer Practical tips for those who care for sufferers Practical tips for friends and churches Grief Cancer, mental illness, chronic diseases and pain Conflict, anger, disappointment and bitterness How to grow from suffering and turn it into service of others.

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