Behind Closed Doors di Cooper Marquis L. Cooper edito da Authorhouse
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Behind Closed Doors

Real Men. Real Issues. Real Conversations. Real Solutions.: Reaching & Renewing Men For The Kingdom! It's Daytime







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Descrizione Behind Closed Doors

How to save our men has been a topic of discussion that has taken place in schools, churches, community centers, social justice platforms, national initiatives, and other venues across this country for years. At some point in history, a seed of irresponsibility grew in our males. As a result of this seed still growing and getting out of control, many of our sons will not understand the vital role of becoming the priest, provider, and protector of their homes unless we change this epidemic now. You may be asking, "How do we change this epidemic?" The answer to this question starts with shifting the male back into his proper or rightful position in the household. Whether you realize it or not, the male was created to lead. In many homes across America, the family structure now looks like the following: You have the son (in an unknown spot), mother (in the father's spot), daughter (behind her mother out of her spot), and the father (totally removed from the family; he has no spot). When this style of familial transfer takes place, it has a profound effect on the entire family unit, but mostly with the male. We can no longer make excuses for not reaching back to save our men; both the young and old. Through the power of being REAL and TRANSPARENT we can save the lives of countless males of all ethnic groups in this generation. If you've picked up this curriculum, then you've already answered the first call God has extended to you. I believe your life is being changed now as you prepare to not just read this book, but to hear the voice of the Lord. The time is NOW!!! IT'S DAYTIME!!

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