A Beginner's Guide To Mindset Work di Rebecca Hawkes edito da Lulu.com
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A Beginner's Guide To Mindset Work







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Descrizione A Beginner's Guide To Mindset Work

A Beginner's Guide to Mindset Work: How to work on your mindset to promote happiness, reduce anxiety and increase overall wellbeing. A Beginner's Guide to Mindset Work is a workbook that teaches you how to work on your mindset on a daily basis using simple activities that'll not only make you feel more relaxed and relieve stress but also help to increase your confidence and belief in yourself. Mindset work is crucial not just for entrepreneurs but for each and every one of us. Learn about the importance of mindset work as well as different mindset techniques such as journaling, visualisation and practicing gratitude that you can incorporate into your daily life. This workbook also includes prompts, space for you to complete the exercises and resources such as books to read and podcasts to listen to to help with your mindset practice. The activities in this workbook are ones that the author, Rebecca Hawkes uses on a regular basis to reduce her anxiety and increase her confidence.

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