Becoming a Woman of Grace di Cynthia Heald edito da Tyndale House Publishers
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Becoming a Woman of Grace





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Descrizione Becoming a Woman of Grace

Amazing Grace. Prepare to discover a new level of meaning and amazement in your spiritual journey as God¿s grace becomes more real to you than ever before. In this inspirational study, bestselling women¿s author Cynthia Heald guides you on a life-transforming journey into the boundless riches of God¿s grace. Together you will explore the many ways in which God¿s grace enriches your Christian walk, how to know His grace more fully, and how to extend His grace to others moment by moment, day by day. ¿My prayer is that readers will discover new facets of grace and experience new areas of freedom in [their] lives,¿ says Cynthia. ¿To glimpse the fullness of His grace is a life-changing revelation.

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