Becoming A Storyteller di Felicia Patterson edito da A Drop From Eden
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Becoming A Storyteller

A Creative Writing Workbook To Inspire Young Writers





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Descrizione Becoming A Storyteller

Practice makes perfect with everything especially when it comes to writing. whether you're just starting or have already written a ton of stories. Build your talents in an entertaining manner. This book includes dozens of creative writing prompts. This book allows you to build your skills starting with short simple writing prompts that only require two pages of writing but slowly advances to prompts that require lots of detail with three to four pages to flush out your stories Think outside the box, don't be afraid to make mistakes, and play around with different words. Writing prompts encourage you to use your imagination and assist you in creating captivating plots, compelling characters, and imaginative locations for your stories. It's time to let your creative side shine! For Grades 3-6

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