The Battle for Yggdrasil di Kari Robins edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Battle for Yggdrasil



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Descrizione The Battle for Yggdrasil

Emma ¿ Haunted by my sacrifice, I dream of home, but the curse of King Herrick's magic keeps me his prisoner. The longer I stay trapped in this foreign realm, the harder it is to fight him, and the weaker Yggdrasil becomes. ¿ Were it to die, nothing will stand in the way between my world and Ragnarok. Everyone and everything I love would be eviscerated. For the sake of my people, I will fight to return. To stand with them for the battle to come, and revel in my lover's touch once more. Even if it means the ultimate sacrifice. ¿ Brynjar Losing my mate nearly cleaved me in two. Herrick turned her against us and stole her from me, but I wouldn't sit in Alfheim and do nothing. Sneaking into the enemy's realm was risky, but she's worth it. Being locked in Herrick's dungeon unlocked more than my past but the future as well, and the way to defeat him and save Yggdrasil. Aric Heavy is the head that wears the crown held no meaning until my mother perished and my sister was taken prisoner. With no one else, the duty of king fell to me. Yggdrasil was dying. My mate lay frozen from her injuries in battle, and the whole of Alfheim looked at me to carry on. But I don't want to carry on. I want my family back and nothing will stop me until they are. ¿ High-stakes thrills meet steamy romance in the fantastical adventure found on each page of The Battle for Yggdrasil!

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