The Battle for Eternity di J. Hamilton Weston edito da Energion Publications
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The Battle for Eternity

The War for Souls, Circa: Now





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Descrizione The Battle for Eternity

There is an eternal battle going on around all of us, a battle for our souls. How is this battle fought? Where is there safety? Author and pastor J. Hamilton Weston believes this battle is crucial and that we need to know what is going on and what God has provided for our protection in this battle. Looking at scripture, Weston discusses the nature of the conflict, who are our enemies, and then takes on what we have on our side in this conflict: God's armor, God's protection, God's promises, and yes, God's rewards. You can't avoid this conflict. It's happening around you. But you can be victorious. This book will help guide you to the right path.

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