Battle For Daylight di L. E. Towne edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Battle For Daylight





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Descrizione Battle For Daylight

Marlowe:Christopher Marlowe battles his destiny to get back to the present and to the love of his life, Tam Paradiso. But when he finally escapes Tudor London for modern-day Philadelphia, it's two years in Tam's past, and she has no idea who he is. He can comfort her as she mourns her dead father and charm her family as they accept that Tam's destiny is linked with his. He can even help her fight the mysterious rain spirit responsible for a series of grisly murders. But can he make her fall in love with him all over again?Paradiso:After two years as an undercover vice officer, Tam Paradiso wants out. She belongs in the homicide division as a detective like her father was. But she's up against her partner, the beautiful and reckless Ava Knox, for the job. When Tam's father dies suddenly, she reaches her low point. Still, she must solve a serial murder case, keep her interfering family at bay, and fend off a crazy, sexy time traveler who claims they are lovers in her future. At least her murder suspect is a human villain, not a supernatural one. Or is it?

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