Bariatric Surgery Complications and Emergencies edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Bariatric Surgery Complications and Emergencies





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Descrizione Bariatric Surgery Complications and Emergencies

This book provides a concise, focused and clinically relevant summary of complications and emergencies related to bariatric surgery. The first section of the text addresses general complications related to anesthesia and the stress of surgery, including issues such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, hemorrhage, pneumonia and cardiac complications. Additionally, this section addresses the workup of the bariatric patient with abdominal pain. The second portion of the text focuses on gastric bypass and sleeve-specific complications, including staple line and anastomotic leaks, internal hernia, marginal ulceration, GI obstruction, hernia formation and gallstone disease. The third portion of the book examines metabolic, nutritional and psychological complications after bariatric surgery. The text also covers management of weight loss failure. Bariatric Surgery Complications and Emergencies serves as a very useful resource for physicians and surgeons who are involved in any parts of evaluation or management of bariatric patients suffering from postoperative complications or emergencies including bariatric surgeons who perform these operations on a regular basis, non-bariatric general surgeons who cover such patients when on-call, surgical trainees, and primary care physicians.

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