Bare Knuckle Negotiating (Second Edition) di Simon Hazeldine edito da Bookshaker
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Bare Knuckle Negotiating (Second Edition)

Knockout Negotiation Tactics They Won't Teach You At Business School







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Descrizione Bare Knuckle Negotiating (Second Edition)

The Street-Smart Guide For Entrepreneurs, Sales People and Professional Negotiators. Written by a veteran salesman and negotiator with a track record spanning millions in sealed deals, this book draws on the most advanced techniques used today by elite negotiators and professional influencers. Inside, negotiating is stripped back to the bone, providing you with the tools, insights and tactics you really need to win at the, often brutal, game of business negotiation. You will discover... * How To Get More of What You Want * The 7 Stages of Successful Negotiation In-Depth * Sneaky Tricks and Dirty Tactics * What All Exceptional Negotiators Have in Common * The Dark Side of Negotiation Revealed * The 2 Main Negotiating Styles * Techniques To Deal With Power Plays * Your Responsibilities As A Negotiator * How To Give A Little To Gain A Lot * Ways To Gain A Psychological Edge * ...and much more Ideal for professional purchasers, buyers, sales people, business owners and entrepreneurs, Bare Knuckle Negotiating gives you a decidedly unfair advantage as a "board-room brawler".

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