The Balkan Secret Conspiracy di Barbara Shenouda edito da iUniverse
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The Balkan Secret Conspiracy







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Descrizione The Balkan Secret Conspiracy

For years, Canadian novelist Zlata Pierce remembered the horrible day when her Croatian family died at the hands of Hitler's SS during World War II. Just when she thought she had put it behind her, a mysterious phone call from her homeland unearths her memories and starts her on a perilous journey to uncover the truth. Zlata learns from her informant that Hitler's SS masqueraded as Serbs and Croatians, committing atrocities to create infighting and weaken the country's resistance during the war. Acting on her information, Zlata soon discovers that two of the former SS officers are alive. Even worse, they are trying to resurrect Hitler with an evil magic ritual. Once Hitler is back, he will be able to rebuild his Nazi movement using remnants of the SS. To stop the sinister plan, Zlata must cooperate with an unlikely group of companions, including her lawyer husband, a police detective, a psychic, and a young forensic pathologist. Using their combined logic, science, and even the supernatural, the group fights to stop the dark conspiracy before Hitler wreaks havoc upon the world once again.

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