Balancing Two Worlds edito da Cornell University Press
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Balancing Two Worlds

Asian American College Students Tell Their Life Stories





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Descrizione Balancing Two Worlds

Andrew Garrod is Professor of Education and Director of the Teacher Education Program at Dartmouth College. He is coeditor of First Person, First Peoples: Native American College Graduates Tell Their Life Stories, also from Cornell, among other books. Robert Kilkenny is Executive Director of the Alliance for Inclusion and Prevention and a Clinical Associate in the School of Social Work at Simmons College. He is the coeditor of Adolescent Portraits: Identity, Relationships and Challenges. Garrod and Kilkenny are the coeditors of Souls Looking Back: Life Stories of Growing Up Black. Russell C. Leong is Adjunct Professor of English and of Asian American Studies at UCLA and the chief editor of Amerasia Journal. Vernon Takeshita is the author of the plays Performance Anxiety and The Rising Tide of Color.

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