Balance Insecurity And School Needs To Children With Disability,Kenya di Ambrose Lokwete Krop edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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Balance Insecurity And School Needs To Children With Disability,Kenya

A Research work submitted to the department of Special Needs Education,school of Education of Kenyatta University,Kenya





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Descrizione Balance Insecurity And School Needs To Children With Disability,Kenya

North Pokot District falls into the pastoral livelihood zone and is prone to insecurity in the form of cattle rustling at most of its borders with neighbouring communities. The purpose of the study was to investigate how parents in conflict and arid zones balance between security and educational needs of their children with disabilities in North Pokot District, West Pokot County. The area of study was Kacheliba Mixed Integrated Primary School for the Physically Handicap (PH) in Kacheliba Division. The findings indicated that the prevailing societal attitudes about disability arise from myth, superstition, and self-blame. The intensity of insecurity and cattle rustling influenced the decision to enroll, retain, cause closure of schools, and sometimes learners with disabilities drop out of school. There is, therefore, need to involve parents of children with disabilities in the provision of special education given that parental support is a critical ingredient in addressing insecurity concerns and fulfilling schooling needs of children with disabilities.

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