A Bad Week in Hollister: A Sheriff "Cowboy" Berkson Mystery Novel di Susan L. Pare' edito da Susan L. Pare
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A Bad Week in Hollister: A Sheriff "Cowboy" Berkson Mystery Novel

A Sheriff "Cowboy" Berkson Mystery Novel





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Descrizione A Bad Week in Hollister: A Sheriff "Cowboy" Berkson Mystery Novel

A Bad Week in Hollister Melissa Johnson's death has been solved and Sheriff "Cowboy" Berkson figures Hollister, Missouri has finally returned to normal. His plans are to spend his days with his feet up on his desk, drinking coffee, and enjoying an occasional piece of homemade pie from Minnie's Diner. That plan is short lived, however, after a key witness from the Melissa Johnson trial is found floating in Lake Taneycomo. Now, it seems the Sheriff's main problem isn't that he hasn't got a suspect - it's that he's got too many. Never one to play by the rules, Sheriff Berkson walks a fine line, as he tries to narrow down the list of suspects. Just when he figures he's got his man, a new clue points him in a different direction. One thing the Sheriff is sure of, though, is that the killer has a swimming pool. And, he's not going to quit looking, even if it means checking out every single pool in Hollister.Join the Sheriff, Deputy Casey George, and the colorful characters from "Don't Smother Your Mother" in this new and exciting Sheriff Berkson mystery novel, by Susan L. Pare'.

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