Backpacking Made Easier di Mark James Vang edito da Lulu Publishing Services
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Backpacking Made Easier

Your Step-by-Step Guide





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Descrizione Backpacking Made Easier

Backpacking can be the adventure of a lifetime, but the mainstream guidebooks don't always cover the day-to-day realities of this liberating form of travel. To date, author and experienced traveler Mark James Vang has explored seventy-two countries with his belongings on his back. Created to educate, inspire, and protect the novice backpacker, Backpacking Made Easier features his best advice for trip planning, dealing with technology on the road, and determining exactly what kind of trip is best for you. He also addresses the often-neglected aspect of the psychology of backpacking, including the impact of coming (and being) home. He delves into the differences between traveling solo and going with others, and his practical advice on keeping your belongings safe on the road, in accommodation or on transport can help derail disaster. A comprehensive guide for modern-day backpackers, Backpacking Made Easier can help you plan and enjoy your next travel experience to the fullest.

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