Back To The Wine Jug di Joe Taylor edito da Sagging Meniscus Press
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Back To The Wine Jug

A Comic Novel In Verse





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Descrizione Back To The Wine Jug

Fiction. Poetry. Hybrid Genre. In BACK TO THE WINE JUG, Joe Taylor, author of the comic verse novel PINEAPPLE, returns to the form with a tour de force of wit, erudition, and earthy imagination. Dateline: Hades, the Underworld, where things go bad. But things are going even worse up top with red/blue states, Brexit, the Middle East, Hong Kong, and college football. Diogenes, still toting his lantern in search of one honest (wo)man, is appointed by Lord Hades himself to teleport up to lovely Birmingham, Alabama, and mollify mundial matters, accompanied by his Doberman Pluto and Victoria Woodhull, the suffragette and 1872 presidential candidate. The trio is on the case to right the world's confusion. But, Lord H. being a consomméed plot-thickener, they find themselves followed in the transporter by commie-hating troublemaker J. Edgar Hoover....

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