Awakening Ashley di Sharon Ruben edito da iUniverse
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Awakening Ashley

Mozart Knocks Autism on Its Ear







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Descrizione Awakening Ashley

At eighteen months, Ashley Ruben still didn't talk. She wouldn't respond when her name was called; she didn't appear to hear either. She fixated on tiny pieces of dirt and ate only crunchy foods. She was enveloped in a thick fog-impenetrable by everyone except Barney the Dinosaur. She worked puzzles like a kindergartener and was computer-savvy before she was two years old. Her mother's late-night searches on the Internet hinted at a reason for her lack of engagement with the outside world. And then a developmental specialist confirmed it: autism, a diagnosis that shook the foundation of a family and shattered a mother's world. Ashley could hear, but she couldn't listen. In order to address that, a therapy retraining her ears to perceive sound better took her back to the time in the womb- where listening begins. With the help of specialized recordings of Mozart's music, Ashley gradually awakened. Her brain's desire to communicate was kindled, fostering a connection with her body, her family, and the world around her. Ashley had recovered, developing the ability to talk, to listen, to communicate- to become an engaging child. But how could Sharon Ruben, a clinical researcher in her own right, convince the skeptics without clinical trial data to prove the effectiveness of this therapy? She didn't need data. She had Ashley-all the proof she needed. "Listen Up! This remarkable story is for every person with a child waiting to be awakened to language and communication." -Don Campbell, Author of The Mozart Effect and The Mozart Effect for Children

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