Avizandum Legislation On International Private Law di Elizabeth Crawford edito da Edinburgh University Press
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Avizandum Legislation On International Private Law





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Descrizione Avizandum Legislation On International Private Law

International private law has become increasingly legislation based and subject to European and global regulation, and it is essential for students to have ready access to the statutes and other core materials. Avizandum Legislation on International Private Law is designed specifically to provide undergraduates studying the subject with a handy work of reference. All materials are reproduced in updated form, and the lack of annotation and commentary means that the volumes are ideal for use in examinations. Avizandum Legislation on International Private Law provides ready access to a wide-ranging selection of materials on those areas of private law in which a foreign element may arise. The volume contains: . Statutes (UK and Scottish) . Statutory instruments (UK and Scottish) . EU materials . International Conventions This edition contains prospective amendments relating to jurisdiction and family law consequent to the UK's exit from the EU. The amended provisions are reproduced in parallel with the current law. New material includes the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended by the 2020 Act, and the 2019 Hague Convention. Elizabeth Crawford is Professor Emeritus of International Private Law at the University of Glasgow Janeen Carruthers is Professor of Private Law at the University of Glasgow.

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