The Australian Indigenous People's Bushtucker, Etiquette, Dreaming, Magick di Shé D'Montford edito da Happy Medium Publishing
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The Australian Indigenous People's Bushtucker, Etiquette, Dreaming, Magick





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Descrizione The Australian Indigenous People's Bushtucker, Etiquette, Dreaming, Magick

With interest rates skyrocketing, wouldn't it be good to be able to eat for free? The Indigenous Australians have been living off the fat land since the beginning of time. Before banks, before supermarkets, there was Bushtucker. Indigenous culture flourished. This is the perfect time to learn the art of living close to nature to recession-proof yourself. In order to understand how to live in harmony with the land according to indigenous culture, it's important to examine their etiquette, dreaming, and magick. "If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you their heart." CESAR CHAVEZ

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