Audio CDs to Accompany Pause-Cafe di Nora Megharbi, Carl Blyth, Sharon W. Foerster edito da McGraw-Hill Education

Audio CDs to Accompany Pause-Cafe





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Descrizione Audio CDs to Accompany Pause-Cafe

For use with the laboratory activities in the "Cahier d'activits," the Audio Program on CD corresponds to the Pratique orale section of all chapters of the "Cahier d'activits," In addition, the complete Audio Program can also be accessed free of charge on the "Pause-caf" Online Learning Center ( under More Resources. . . The "Audioscript" is available only to instructors in the Instructor Edition of the Online Learning Center. . College professors can request access to the Instructor Edition side of the "Online Learning Center" from their McGraw-Hill Higher Education Sales Representative. . K-12 instructors can request access from their Glencoe/McGraw-Hill Sales Representative.

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€ 62.60

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