Atlas on the Human Testis edito da Springer-Verlag GmbH
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Atlas on the Human Testis

Normal Morphology and Pathology





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Descrizione Atlas on the Human Testis

Atlas on the Human Testis: Normal Morphology and Pathology presents histological illustrative material from paraffin and semi-thin sections of the human testis which are routinely used in the assessment of testicular morphology, allowing an early detection of carcinoma in situ and more advanced pathological changes of the testicular parenchyma. The early detection of cancer in situ is based on the careful morphological investigation of the biopsy and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Therefore, this atlas contains detailed descriptions of IHC methods as well as modern molecular biological methods such as DNA microarrays and proteomics and advanced microscopy techniques related to the testicular biopsy. Adequate evaluation of the testicular biopsy leads to high cure rates of testicular neoplasms which can be used as a basis to successfully treat infertility in men. Atlas on the Human Testis: Normal Morphology and Pathology is a valuable reference tool which will appeal to andrologists, urologists, pathologists, clinical embryologists, as well as reproductive biology scientists.

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