Atlas of Hypertension di Norman K. Hollenberg edito da Current Medicine Group
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Atlas of Hypertension





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Descrizione Atlas of Hypertension

The sixth edition of the Atlas of Hypertension builds on the tremendous success of earlier editions, but significant revision has been done since the last edition-a third of the chapters are new, and more than half of the chapters are written by new authors. Expanded topics include home blood pressure; secondary hypertension; information on newer agents such as nebivolol, aliskiren, and new vasopeptidase inhibitors; the possible role and pharmacology of renin inhibition; and American and European guidelines for antihypertensive treatment and their influence on physician practice. The striking, four-color format combined with the breadth of information it contains make this Atlas an invaluable resource for physicians, cardiologists, and all professionals involved in the study and treatment of hypertension.

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