The Atlantis Stone di Juan A. Estrella II edito da iUniverse
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The Atlantis Stone

The Heart Nexus Saga







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Descrizione The Atlantis Stone

Nearly five billion years ago the Mystic Maker placed a heart stone deep inside the body of the Great Mother, planet Earth, infusing her with His essence. The Great Mother had the power to create and sustain life. She also had the power to destroy it. If the balance of things was threatened she could unleash her power and restore balance. It was the Great Mother who destroyed the great civilization of Atlantis when they came too close to finding the source of her power. The greatest civilization of its time was decimated when the Great Mother unleashed tectonic movements, hurricanes, tidal waves, and volcanic eruptions on those that threatened the balance of things. Now, an ancient British organization, established shortly after the Revolutionary War, has found the heart stone and is intent on using it to bring the last super power to its knees and reclaim the lands and riches they believe rightfully belong to them. But will their hatred for America cause the collapse of a super power or destroy modern civilization as we know it? It is up to a modern day secret agent, Alex Beltran, along with an elite team of Delta Force, the Vatican Holy Warriors, and the full might of the United States Government, to restore the Atlantis Stone to its rightful resting place. Time is running out for the team as the Great Mother prepares to unleash all her power once again to recover that which has been taken from her - the Atlantis Stone.

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