The Assassin Code di Richard Joseph Zazzi edito da iUniverse
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The Assassin Code







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Descrizione The Assassin Code

Most grandfathers show their grandsons how to fish or play baseball, but not in the Castinetti family. Joseph Castinetti has no idea that growing up in a traditional Italian family means total loyalty to the family and doing exactly what you are told. So when his grandfather takes him target shooting, he never realizes that he is rehearsing to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. The benefit of being born into a traditional Italian family means a secure future with all the trappings of life in America-unless the family is the Mafia. As Joseph is unwillingly thrust into a life of crime, he must perform dirty deeds as his grandfather's pawn and bids to win favor at the highest levels of organized crime. As he becomes immersed deeper and deeper into the thick of the Mafia's plans, it soon becomes apparent that they are grooming Joseph for something special. If it's true that once in the Mafia one is always bound to the Omertà, Joseph must find a way out before it is too late.

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