Aspects And Impressions di Edmund Gosse edito da DOUBLE 9 BOOKSLIP
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Aspects And Impressions





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"Aspects And Impressions" is a collection of essays by Edmund Gosse, a British writer and critic. The book consists of a series of personal reflections and literary critiques, covering a wide range of topics, including literature, art, music, and travel. In the essays, Gosse discusses his impressions of various artists and writers, including Shakespeare, Tennyson, and Balzac. He also reflects on his travels to Italy and France, describing his experiences and observations of the people and cultures he encountered. Gosse's writing style is reflective and introspective, and he often draws on his own personal experiences to illustrate his points. He writes with a sense of nostalgia and romanticism, evoking the beauty and elegance of a bygone era. Despite its nostalgic tone, "Aspects And Impressions" also offers insightful critiques of the works of various artists and writers. Gosse's analysis is thoughtful and nuanced, revealing his deep knowledge and appreciation of literature and the arts. Overall, "Aspects And Impressions" is a captivating collection of essays that offers readers a glimpse into the mind of one of the most prominent literary figures of the early 20th century.

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