ASHAs- a daughter-in-law as a community health worker di Tridibesh Tripathy, Anjali Tripathy edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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ASHAs- a daughter-in-law as a community health worker





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Descrizione ASHAs- a daughter-in-law as a community health worker

The book is a reflection of the community health worker force. A family sends the daughter-in-law to work as a health worker in the same community that they reside. They are appointed by the local self governance and deputed to the public health system to work as a community health worker. Although they started to work in the field of maternal and child health, their work has been divested to a great extent since they came to force in 2005 in India through the launch of the national rural health mission. They are the Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in India and currently there are 1 million ASHAs in India working in the states where the national health mission is operational. The book sees their role especially in the field of home based new-born care in the most populous state of India, Uttar Pradesh.

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