ASEAN's Different Perceptions to China's Rise di Supakin Chongruangsab edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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ASEAN's Different Perceptions to China's Rise





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Descrizione ASEAN's Different Perceptions to China's Rise

ASEAN¿s different perceptions to Chinäs rise is my research work for Master Degree at Tsinghua University. The research question is about why does ASEAN as an organization but ASEAN views Chinäs rise in different perceptions? In this research, it took me one year for studying this question and find out by using case studies methodology. I have to thank to Professor Qi Haixia, my academic adivisor, who supported me everything in this particular research until I finished up. Also, I would like to thank Professor Sun Xuefeng who is the expert in Southeast Asia and helped me to review my research writing and I would like to thank Professor Yan Xuetong who taught me how to write an academic research and methodology.

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