Arts Funeraires Et Decors de La Vie. Normandie Xiie-Xvie Siecles edito da Centre de Recherches Archeologiques Et Histor

Arts Funeraires Et Decors de La Vie. Normandie Xiie-Xvie Siecles





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Descrizione Arts Funeraires Et Decors de La Vie. Normandie Xiie-Xvie Siecles

This volume accompanies an exhibition held at the Thomas Henry de Cherbourg Museum in 2003 devoted to the discovery of a unique plate-tomb' depicting the priest Guillaume, uncovered in the Abbey Notre-Dame-du-Voeu in 1994. The find consisted of painted ceramic tiles which were integrated into the surrounding paved area and marked the resting-place of the priest. The tiles were decorated with the robed, serene figure of the priest, holding a chalice, with angels either side of his head and an inscription and floral decoration on all sides. The detailed description of the find is accompanied by discussions of other examples and of the artistic styles of the 12th to 14th century that are reflected here. With lots of colour photographs and black and white illustrations, this is a well-presented book. French text.

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€ 23.20

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