The Artistic Purgatory Of The Prostitute's Figure di Bora Luljeta edito da Scholars' Press
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The Artistic Purgatory Of The Prostitute's Figure

Brought to English by: Alessia Ciftja





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Descrizione The Artistic Purgatory Of The Prostitute's Figure

Unfortunately, among the Albanian literature, there are still unexplored writers and the literature of the author Teodor Keko, on Albanian letters, is found on the peripheral researches. This is quite odd if you remind yourself that his writing for as long as he lived, but after his death also, were promptly sold on libraries and the author himself was popular among writers and critics. This gets even stranger if you notice the large number of the studies, articles, papers for the same writers. This book is a second effort to change this writing situation, a getaway from the vicious circle of the impeachment by other already popular writers and to study values over the writers who have been left aside and underestimated from the critics.

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