The Art of Determination di Chido Taruvinga edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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The Art of Determination





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Descrizione The Art of Determination

THE ART OF DETERMINATION Trudy even in her high heels she did not get distracted. Like the honeybee which focuses only on collecting pollens and nectar and ignoring the colourful petals of the flower, allow no distractions. Trudy, although she encountered many barriers along the way, however, she managed to overcome. Trot, canter and gallop, with your determination, you too can do it.The Art of Determination fiction book aims to inspire teenagers and women to pursue their dreams, to be confident about who they are and not to be defined by others. The book aims to motivate teenagers and the young women to continue educating themselves, pursue with own talents or even to venture into entrepreneurship. It touches on issues which affects women and girls and the experiences of the migrant.The book explores vulnerability themes which are educative and thought provoking yet jam-packed with humour.

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