Are We There Yet di Hum Joyce Hum edito da Authorhouse
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Are We There Yet

Is The Sun Setting On Planet Earth?







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Descrizione Are We There Yet

Our years are important. We want to make the most of them and experience our best lives possible but living life is challenging. Our recent history has left many feeling unsettled and wondering how the future will unfold. This book asks the question are we there yet. But what does this mean? The purpose of this book is to not only ask the question, but to show just how complicated the question can be. This year 2020, has especially challenged us. Our world continues with climate change issues, and all its consequences. And a pandemic has all nations trying to cope with a catastrophic virus that threatens everything; our healthcare systems, our economies, and world order. This book takes an individualistic approach from a strategic perspective and examines the question are we there yet? The intent is to build confidence knowing that there is a power much greater than ours, an Almighty God who sees all.

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