Archery Anatomy di Ray Axford edito da Profile Books Ltd
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Archery Anatomy

An Introduction to Techniques for Improved Performance





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Descrizione Archery Anatomy

This unique book looks for the first time at archery techniques from the point of view of the interrelationship between the anatomy of the human body and the anatomy of the bow. By highlighting the primary power sources involved in the performance of the sport it enables coaches and archers alike to understand and perfect their skills in ways that use the natural movements of archer and bow in co-ordination. The book is not tied to any specific national or international rules; it can be used by archers throughout the world to gain an understanding of the biomechanics of the sport. Originating from the author's awareness that the basic problems of most archers stemmed from their ignorance of these aspects, it should make an invaluable contribution to the overall improvement of performance standards.

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