The Arc of Our Paths di Vishanthie Sewpaul edito da BookTrail Publishing
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The Arc of Our Paths

Growing into Wholeness: Growing into Wholeness





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Descrizione The Arc of Our Paths

An inspirational touch to your soul memoir. Vishanthie's memoir is unparalleled in scope ... Her story is personal, yet relatable; unassuming, yet monumental; frank, yet compassionate. Vishanthie does not preach to the reader nor is this memoir a self-help guide but provides a path to transformation and growth. It is her willingness to lay bare her most intimate struggles that makes her more human and endears her to us. Most powerful of all is her ability to rise with courage towards wholeness. (Dr. Steeve Buckridge, USA) I've had the privilege of working through my own demons while reading this brilliant masterpiece and I would encourage anyone that is in search of healing and recovery to read this outstanding and heart wrenching memoir. I honestly believe that every person out there would identify with this powerful memoir and find their own story within the pages. This has been the most insightful and therapeutic book I've read in a while. (Vanessa Naidoo, South Africa) It is moving, engaging, thought-provoking - a truly rich reading experience and an excellent embodiment of "the personal is political." The memoir is honest, raw and vulnerable, and very powerful. I laughed and cried. I was challenged to reflect on my own life and to act - to really value every opportunity life gives us to make an impact. (Ingrid Scharer Osthus, Norway) Dr. Sewpaul presents us with an immensely relevant memoir, revealing in the process how the personal determination and resilience emanating from her roots yield lessons for the future we must now navigate together. (Professor Neil Abell, USA)

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