Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine edito da Medical Information Science Reference
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Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine





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Descrizione Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine

Many aspects of modern life have become personalized, yet healthcare practices have been lagging behind in this trend. It is now becoming more common to use big data analysis to improve current healthcare and medicinal systems, and offer better health services to all citizens. Applying Big Data Analytics in Bioinformatics and Medicine is a comprehensive reference source that overviews the current state of medical treatments and systems and offers emerging solutions for a more personalized approach to the healthcare field. Featuring coverage on relevant topics that include smart data, proteomics, medical data storage, and drug design, this publication is an ideal resource for medical professionals, healthcare practitioners, academicians, and researchers interested in the latest trends and techniques in personalized medicine.

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