Applied Mineralogy: Applications in Industry edito da SYRAWOOD PUB HOUSE
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Applied Mineralogy: Applications in Industry





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Descrizione Applied Mineralogy: Applications in Industry

Minerals are nonrenewable natural resources that are essential in the energy, manufacturing and construction industry. Mineralogy refers to a discipline of science that examines all facets of minerals, including their occurrence and distribution in nature, physical characteristics, internal crystal structure and chemical composition, as well as the physicochemical conditions that led to their origin. Mineralogy has significant role in mineral extraction and advancements in this field have resulted in industrialization of minerals. Applied mineralogy is a research field which focuses on the manufacturing of materials, and the prospection, extraction and refinery of ores. It also studies the impact of minerals on human health and the environment. This book unravels the recent studies in the field of applied mineralogy. It explores all the important applications of this field in the present day scenario. The book is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

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