Apollo Cafe di Jan Davie edito da New Generation Publishing
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Apollo Cafe





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Descrizione Apollo Cafe

You are about to go on an incredible journey into the past with young Andy, who, after football practice on a building site with his friends, stumbles across a security barrier and is somehow transported back to an old-fashioned looking café, the Apollo. He knows something is out of the ordinary when a lovely girl offers him a ticket to a Beatles concert! This is the world of the 1960s and the Apollo Café is the haunt of two rival gangs, the Mods and the Rockers. For a dare, a would-be Rocker steals the World Cup which England won in 1966, but the young waitress in the café plays a trick on him which later has almost fatal consequences for some of the gang members. Why has Andy been 'chosen' to travel between the present and the 1960s? Will he retrieve the World Cup in time to prevent a murderous fight which could change future lives for ever?

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