Apache War Cry di David E Waddell edito da Page Publishing Inc
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Apache War Cry





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Descrizione Apache War Cry

Annie Phillips is traveling to Tucson, looking for buyers for her family's cattle. She is looking forward to a peaceful trip, but that all changed after she heard her first Apache war cry. Hayden McCloud is rotting away behind bars for a crime he never committed. Since being locked up in the notorious hellhole called Yuma Territorial Prison, Hayden has dreamed of escaping and tracking down the men who wrongfully imprisoned him. One day someone pays the territorial governor a handsome sum of money to pardon Hayden and release him from the hellhole he's been rotting away in. Not knowing who paid the governor to pardon him, Hayden sets out for Tucson to find those responsible for setting him up for a crime he never committed. He wants revenge for his wrongful imprisonment and is determined to get it. Both Hayden and Annie must travel through the hot desert landscape of the Arizona Territory, where an Apache uprising has just broken out. Will they both make it to Tucson safely so they can pursue their reasons for going there? Or will they be taken prisoner, tortured, and then killed by hostile Apache warriors who love scaring their enemies with the Apache war cry?

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