Anti-Semitism in Times of Crisis di Ursula Huws, Colin Leys edito da New York University Press
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Anti-Semitism in Times of Crisis





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Descrizione Anti-Semitism in Times of Crisis

The question of whether anti-Semitism is a transitory phenomenon, appearing randomly in Western history, or whether it reflects a deep seated tradition inherent in Western culture has been often debated. This volume traces the image of the Jew and the attitudes toward the Jew over the past two thousand years, from the Roman Empire to the reunification of Germany, showing the consistent pattern of anti-Semitism in Western societies. With essays on the religious, social, political, and economic origins of European and American anti- Semitism, as well as some Jewish responses, this volume is the most wide-ranging history of anti-Semitism ever compiled.Contributors to this volume include Nicholas de Lange, Cambridge University; Pinchas Hachoen Peli, University of the Negev; David Menashri, Tel Aviv University; Bernard Lewis, Princeton University (retired); Liliane Weissberg, University of Pennsylvania; and Jeremy Cohen, Ohio State University.

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