Answers To Unanswered Questions By A Person With Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia di Tracy Mobley edito da Outskirts Press

Answers To Unanswered Questions By A Person With Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia

Answers to Unanswered Questions by a Person With Frontal Temporal Lobe Dementia





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There are days that I am so tired that I can hardly function and these are the days that I sleep a lot. I hate it, because it seems that between my medications and the disease, that I am sleeping my life away. My husband worries because he wonders if I am slipping further away, but it seems after I hibernate a day or two, then I am okay after wards. But it is on these days that I feel the progression and it seems that no matter how hard I try to remember yesterday it just isn't there. I know there are so many memories with my husband and son that I would cherish if it wasn't for this darn disease, so I try and cherish every moment that I am around them even though I won't remember.

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