Answering and Understanding the CALL of God for Your Life workbook di Chinyere Nwakwue edito da iUniverse
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Answering and Understanding the CALL of God for Your Life workbook







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Descrizione Answering and Understanding the CALL of God for Your Life workbook

How do you know God has called you into the ministry? How can you really tell in which area of the ministry he wants you to serve? For many, these can be frustrating and confusing questions. In Answering and Understanding the CALL of God for Your Life, author Chinyere Nwakwue provides guidance in responding to God's call for your life and your life's ministry. Blending her personal experiences with a plethora of scriptural examples, Nwakwue walks you through the process and shows how this calling is a privilege God has given you. In her study, she considers • the factors involved in God's calling; • the reasons that some people struggle with the call of God; • the Bible characters who struggled with answering God's call; • the reasons that God called you; • the enemies of Christian life who will try to interrupt God's call; and • ways to overcome the enemies. Nwakwue communicates that your response to the call of God has significant effects in your life as you run your Christian race. Christ Jesus has called and commanded every individual to preach the gospel to all creatures. Are you ready?

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