Another Chance di Dominic T Biello edito da iUniverse
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Another Chance

Tales Of South Philadelphia







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Descrizione Another Chance

In 1972, gambling is on the horizon for Atlantic City. Joey "the Gimp" Giampietro, a fortyish Mafioso in the Vecchio Crime Family of Philadelphia, and Johnny "GaGa" Bellino from New York, have plans-big plans-to get themselves a piece of the action. Bellino's plan was simple. The Gimp made it complex. Amid the bustling streets of South Philadelphia the Gimp slips in and out of a revengeful psychotic funk. The abandonment by his mother at a young-age left the Gimp vulnerable to the abuse of his foster father-an original capo in the Vecchio Crime Family. In an attempt to settle old scores first, the Gimp never contemplates the rippling effect that his actions could have on his life. Finally, his double-dealing quest for satisfaction backfires into a fight for survival. As more and more people become entangled in the web of the criminal subculture perpetuated by the Gimp and his gang, many contemplate killing this fearsome rogue Mafioso. The most unlikely one will succeed. Inevitably everyone who falls prey to the Gimp's contrivances is forced to seek resolution in the labyrinth of his or her conflicted lives. Some find sorrow and pain. Others find hope and love. A few find tragic death. The lucky ones get another chance.

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