The Annotated John's Witness di Ian R Harvey edito da Archway Publishing
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The Annotated John's Witness

Without Gethsemane There Could Be No Golgotha





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Descrizione The Annotated John's Witness

John's Witness of Jesus in Gethsemane Will you not watch with me but for one hour? New Testament Gospel writers Matthew, Mark and Luke hint at the important events in Gethsemane, and yet details are completely absent from the Gospel account of the only disciple who was actually there. John's Witness uses fragmentary scriptural evidence to piece together John's unique perspective of Gethsemane in a storytelling novella that takes about one hour to read. Originally published as John's Witness-The Gospels' Missing Pearl, this update tells the same story of John's ruminating while dashing to Jesus's empty tomb, but with extensive additional endnotes that contain the author's personal reflections on the origins of John's Witness, as well as the expanded deeper meaning he finds in its messages.

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