Animal Training: A Step-By-Step Guide edito da LARSEN & KELLER EDUCATION
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Animal Training: A Step-By-Step Guide



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Descrizione Animal Training: A Step-By-Step Guide

Animals are taught specific responses to certain stimuli through training for the purpose of companionship, protection or entertainment. The form of training an animal receives varies relative to its training purpose and the training method. Animal training can be of various kinds, such as marine mammal training, companion bird training, companion dog training, zoo exotic animal training, circus elephant training, etc. Certain animal behaviors may need to be modified or encouraged. This can be done through positive or negative reinforcement, and through positive or negative punishment. New behaviors are also established through desensitization, discrimination stimulus control, motivating operations, etc. This textbook elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to animal training. It provides comprehensive insights into this field. It offers a step-by-step guide to animal training and will be useful for experts as well as students.

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