Anger Management Adult Coloring Book di Richard G Lowe Jr edito da The Writing King
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Anger Management Adult Coloring Book

Break it! Smash it! Color it! Coloring Pages for Adults





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Descrizione Anger Management Adult Coloring Book

Adult Coloring Pages to help you relax so the cares of the day can fade away. Adult Coloring Books help you manage your anger and frustration by focusing your attention on artistic pursuits. Stressed with life and the constant drag of staring at screens all day? Do you feel the pressures of the world eating at your soul? While we enjoy many modern conveniences, many people today are suffering mental and physical conditions brought on by our current lifestyles. Wouldn't it be nice to get away? Take a step back and immerse yourself in a coloring book that will both relieve stress and tantalize! This adult coloring book features 30 pages of hand-drawn images of broken glass, presented here for your coloring pleasure! The images are high quality, the lines tight, and the time spent will relieve your tension and put your mind at ease. Imagine spending a few hours away from the texts, the emails, the long commutes and the gain some peace and quiet. 30 coloring pages of beautiful drawings ensures you have plenty to color. All pages are printed on one-side sheets to make it easy to color. If you prefer pens or markers, place a sheet of plain paper between the pages to prevent the ink from bleeding. Start relaxing today! Scroll up and hit "Buy" now!

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